Jay Ritchie (they/them) is a queer trans artist from Berlin whose art practice combines interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches.
Ritchie's work includes installations, photography, video performances, and text-based works that create a counter-narrative to normative structures through queer-feminist and intersectional perspectives. Ritchie's work understands visibility as a productive and discursive force.


2020 - 2022 Master student with Prof. Tina Bara, Leipzig Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig

2018 - 2020 Diploma studies in the class for photography and moving image with Prof. Tina Bara, Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig

2013 - 2016 Studies at the Ostkreuzschule for Photography, Berlin

Awarts / Scholarship

2022 Münzenberg Forum Berlin

2020 - 2022 State Graduate Funding – Sächsisches Landesstipendium

2020 gute aussichten - junge deutsche fotografie 2020/21

2018 Deutscher Jugendfotopreis

2017 Monovisions Photography Award - Black and White People Photo of the Year

2015 Zenith Fotopreis - Muslime in Deutschland

Exhibitions (selection)

Wandlung & Scherben, Solo show, alpha nova & galerie futura, Berlin

Genogramm, Familienpädagogisches Institut der KAB, Haltern am See

Uncover I, Westwerk, Hamburg

Uncover II, Künstlerhaus Sootbörn, Hamburg

M22, A&O Kunsthalle, Leipzig

Meisterschülerinnen Ausstellung, HGB Galerie, Leipzig

RIZOMA, Kunstverein Glauchau - art gluchowe, gallery for contemporary art

gute aussichten - junge deutsche Fotografie 2020/21, Haus der Photografie, Deichtorhallen Hamburg

Family Portrait, OFF Bratislava Festival, main program 2021

Bewegung und Transformation, Galerie in der Zukunft am Ostkreuz, Berlin

come closer, f/stop Festival, Halle 14, Spinnerei Leipzig

gute aussichten - junge deutsche Fotografie 2020/21

4 Wände, Galerie Baturina, Leipzig

Diplomausstellung, HGB Galerie Leipzig

FICO DI AMALFI, Strandbad Plötzensee, Berlin

Translating Art, Interaktion Leipzig e.V., Leipzig

WhiteWall Store, Hamburg

Was ist ICH - Auseindersetzung zum SelbstPortrait, Sprechsaal, Berlin

Photokina, Köln

In Glasgow, Trongate,103 and Hillhead Library, Glasgow

a(f)frappant, Frappant Galerie, Hamburg

Keep Your Eyes Peeled IV, aff Galerie Berlin

Glaubenswelten, A World of Faith, Fotogalerie Friedrichshain, Berlin

Wovon ich rede, wenn ich vom Glück rede, aff Galerie Berlin

Wiesbadener Fototage 2017, Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Wiesbaden

Fotohaus Parisberlin, Voies-Off Festival, Arles

Athens Photo Festival, Photobook exhibition, Benaki Museum, Athen

1917 - Hundert Jahre Revolution, Sprechsaal, Berlin

Keep Your Eyes Peeled III, aff Galerie, Berlin

Portraits, Hellerau Photography Award, Europäisches Zentrum der Künste, Dresden

_lesque, solo show, Aotu Studio, Peking

ZEHN, European Month of Photography, Kühlhaus, Berlin

Formations, European Month of Photography, aff Galerie, Berlin

Encontros da Imagen, International Photography Festival, Portugal

Keep Your Eyes Peeled, Gallery Weekend, aff Galerie, Berlin

Publications (selection)

somewhere with me, artist book/exhibition object

WHEN THE ATMOSPHERE IS LESS THAN PERFECT, collaborative book project

gute aussichten 2020/21, exhibition catalog

ZOOM`18, German Youth Photography Award, published by kopaed Verlag

Hellerau Photo Award - Portraits, exhibition catalog

_lesque, artist book, self-published

Encontros da Imagen, exhibition catalog

ZEHN, exhibition catalog, European Month of Photography

European Month of Photography, exhibition catalog