The Funeral II

2023 – 2024

The Funeral II, film still, videoperformance
The Funeral II, film still, videoperformance
The Funeral II, film still, videoperformance
Für das Bild liegt keine Beschreibung vor.
The Funeral II, film still, videoperformance
2023/08, 8:00 min.
Für das Bild liegt keine Beschreibung vor.
The Funeral II, film still, videoperformance
2023/11, 9:00 min.
Für das Bild liegt keine Beschreibung vor.
The Funeral II, film still, videoperformance
2024/02, 9:00 min.
The Funeral II

2023 – 2024

The multi-part video performance The Funeral (2023-2024) deals with the personal processing of traumatic experiences in connection with sexualised violence and abuse of power. In the interpretation of dreams, the funeral symbolises the letting go and closure of something. The filled hot-water bottles cover the body; on the one hand they are a help, but here they are also a burden and stand for the pain and trauma from which the person in the video gradually frees themselves. We become witnesses to the lengthy and difficult process of liberation from the burden of suffering.